

Welcome to the CIP!

The Colorado Court Improvement Program (CIP) is funded by a federal grant administered by the Children's Bureau and aimed at improving the handling of dependency and neglect cases in the Colorado court system. Colorado's CIP projects are guided by a five-year strategic plan developed by a multidisciplinary taskforce and approved by the Children's Bureau. 

2021-2026 Strategic Plan Impact Areas


Safety-Based Decision Making

The Safety-Based Decision Making Project aims to increase the use of safety-based decision-making strategies across all stakeholders and stakeholder spaces. Introducing a common safety language to be used at all decision points within the courtroom and outside of the courtroom, will have an impact on unnecessary removals, time to permanency and quality family time. 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, And Accessibility

DEIA is a core value for Colorado's CIP and we have gathered stakeholders who will work to ensure that the CIP is including and considering the fundamental pillars of diversity, equity, inclusion and access into the design and implementation of the all of CIP's project and strategies through consultation, training, peer learning and reflection.

Best Practices in Child Welfare

This project will include the designing and implementing of a process aimed at increasing the collective knowledge and use of identified best practices in the courts. Over the next year, the CIP will engage in a thorough hearing quality assessment to identify best practices and barriers to best practices in Colorado's dependency and neglect courts.



Registration Open!

Registration for the 2024 Virtual Convening on Children, Youth, & Families is open! For information on how to register, contact courtimprovementprogram@judicial.state.co.us